What’s Rocking My World: Late Spring Edition 2015


Check out the last 2 installments:

What’s Rocking My World: Winter Edition (VLOG)

2015 Came In: What’s Rockin’ My World

Things I’m looking forward to the next couple of weeks…

  • 18 days to JAMAICA! I got my bathing suits ready, and I hope to get a nice tanny-tan!
  • Getting the most use of my newly returned iPad! If you own an iPad, what are some of your favorite Apps for personal enjoyment?
  • I joined a social Kickball league! Mind you, I haven’t played kickball since HS…but I look forward to meeting new people and bonding over drinks after the games. ALSO, I got pounds to loose before summer time.
  • Shopping online for a birthday dress. I don’t have anywhere to go per se, but it’s nice to have a “birthday” goal.  Facebook (I know, I’m getting off soon) keeps bringing up these ads from these cheap websites selling polyester dresses for like $10. It’s soooo tempting! But I’m afraid when I order something from there I’ll open the package and be highly upset and ready to return. Aren’t the dresses cute though?!
Birthday dresses
  • Summer graduates from kindergarten soon! I’m such a proud God-mommy!
Summer at 2 and a half!

  • 2015 is the year of the Audibook (I use Audible, first book is FREE). I have been having trouble for a couple of months with finishing actual hard copy books, case in point, I am still trying to finish The Fault in Our Stars and I started reading that 6 months ago! Reading so exhausting. Anyways, I’m proud to report that since I spend a lot of time in the car, I began using Audible as my reading alternative. It was hard to stay focused and listen at first, but with some practice, I was breezing through books. Here’s my READ list so far since March!

Get_Rid_of_It_cover.1 This book is about de-cluttering my life, it was on sale and I thought I’d listen for some good tips on getting rid of some of my paperwork at home. It was totally worth it, it teaches you how to de-clutter each room of the house, right down to your refrigerator. Am I the only one who saves things until they absolutely go bad in the fridge?! I like that I can keep it and always go back and listen to it. They give “weekend” homework, which I think is great. Have I actually engaged in a de-cluttering project though? Nah. Soon come.

Just MercyJust Mercy has been my favorite book so far! It’s a non-fiction book about a lawyer named Bryan Stevenson (currently an NYU law professor) who defends folk (adults and children) on death row living in the South. He interweaves so many cases throughout the book, and it’s so hard to think that’s what he does, day in and day out. God bless him and lawyers like him. Definitely one of my fave reads so far this year.
cinder Cinder was a tough listen; 38 chapters long. It’s a fiction book, a new-age Cinderella story about a cyborg (half human, half robot) living in New Beijing. Although I was initially intrigued by the premise, the book dragged and I just wanted it to be done! If you like sci-fi, sure, it’s a nice idea but it didn’t have enough action for me.

Currently “reading:”

32 candles

32 Candles by Ernessa T. Carter (Fiction)

However, I am looking for more fiction books!

What are you currently reading? Any recommendations?

Have you ever tried Audiobooks?

What are you looking forward to this Late Spring?

Have a great week,


What’s Rocking My World: Late Spring Edition 2015

16 thoughts on “What’s Rocking My World: Late Spring Edition 2015

  1. Kushite Prince says:

    I love that pic of you. I like how the light is shining above your head. Looks like you’re glowing.lol you are such a stunning beauty.
    I’ve been reading Powernomics by Claud Anderson. A great book on how black people can empower themselves through economics.
    I also recommend Medisin by Scott Whitaker and Black Wall Street by Hannibal Johnson.

    I haven’t tried audiobooks. I’ll have to give it a try though.

    This spring?? My vacation is coming up! I’m so excited!! 🙂

    1. Thanks! I look happy in the picture, that’s why I posted it. Thanks for the recommendations, I’ll let you know which one I pick for the next fiction read.
      And where is vacation?

      1. Kushite Prince says:

        I’m going to Virginia and North Carolina. I can’t wait. I’m really excited!

  2. Hi there, I stumbled across your blog this morning and I must say I’m quite glad I did. I’m always on the hunt for a good book and “Just Mercy” has officially been placed on my list of must reads. Thanks for the prompt. Now about “Cinder”…cyborg… not so much my style so I’ll have to pass on that one.
    Oh yes, I love the dress you posted the pic of. It would look absolutely gorgeous on my daughter– thanks for that prompt also.
    Keep doing what you do to inspire others~~

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I think you’ll enjoy “Just Mercy,” as it really was such a touching and eye-opening book. I looked at my Audible list and saw a book I forgot to add, so I may have to edit this post.
      My friend advised me not to buy from that site, but I am looking to buy more summer dresses! How old is your daughter?

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